Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Video about tattoos and athletes


I really like this video, as it the analysts talk about how obtaining tattoos is not a crime, but it should be held back if on a public figure. The problem with this generation is too much ink on their bodies. It influences the younger generation, and sets them up on the wrong paths due to the images they have seen on sports athletes arms, necks etc. Stephan A. Smith made a very good point, as he was all for getting tattoos (not completely against it), but if an individual gets them they should be in places where they can be easily covered. Just like government, company, or high status jobs exposing your tattoos really decrease the chances of obtaining a job. They don't want a person with inked up tattoos representing their company, so no one will be able to judge them for who they really are. He also makes a point on the location of where these athletes get them, noting people getting tattoos on their faces and neck (setting examples like they just came from prison). In my opinion he is right, even though it is their choice employees (especially public figures) should have the right to get tattoos, as long as they can be covered.

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